Office, Infrastructure, Technology
Some tasks can easily be done by working from a home office. Others require a proper office infrastructure. Maybe a combination of office days and home office days is the best and most productive solution, where only training sessions and team meetings take place in an office environment. We are prepared for all scenarios.
“Anything is possible. We define the requirements for the optimal work environment together”
This also applies to the technical infrastructure. From high-speed Internet to the installation of your very own in-house software, taking advantage of our virtual networks and extensive server capacities, we are well prepared to adapt to whatever your needs may be.
On that matter: although we have our headquarters in Cape Town, we are committed to the German and European Data Protection laws. In our business, we often deal with the most sensitive and confidential data, and we do not compromise: From an inhouse data protection officer to clearly defined work processes and rules, we are surely among the “best in class” when it comes to data protection.